Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What I'm Working On for My Next Post...

I recently bought the Time paperback Your Body: The Science of Keeping It Healthy. I should add that although it is considered a paperback book, it looks like a thick Time magazine, but without all of the ads.
It is divided into 4 chapters: Feeling Fine, Staying Healthy, Looking Good, and Going Strong.
I am wrapping up the last section of Feeling Fine and will be blogging about it soon. My plan is to have a post for each chapter.
As always, I encourage you to read the entire article, or, in this case, book.
If you're thinking about buying the latest magazine regarding health, exercise, skin care, aging, weight loss, etc. I suggest you skip it and put your time and money into this.
I included a link to Amazon who unfortunately doesn't have the book available, but it does offer a picture of it so you'll know what to look for. I found my copy at Barnes & Noble. http://www.amazon.com/Time-Your-Science-Keeping-Healthy/dp/1618937138

If you give it a read, leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Diana Nyad: "She Freaking Made It"

Normally on this blog I'll choose an article to discuss and highlight my favorite and most poignant parts of it. Today I've chosen the topic of Diana Nyad, which will include a few links to articles and videos, which I hope you'll take the time to watch and read.
Today 64 year old Diana Nyad made history by swimming over 100 miles from Cuba to Key West. This morning Diana reached the shores of Key West after being in the water for more than 2 full days (some sources reporting 53 hours).
This was her fifth attempt. When reaching the shore, Diana gave this advice:
 "I have three messages: One is, we should never, ever give up. Two is, you are never too old to chase your dream. And three is, it looks like a solitary sport but it takes a team."

Below are a few links to articles and videos about Diana. I hope you will give these a read. If not today, then maybe on a day when you need that motivation to prepare for a 5K, get to that class you've been wanting to take, or go back to doing something you once loved.






There are so many more articles out there. These are only a few of my favorite and there will be many, many more in the coming days. I urge you to read about her defeats as well as her victories to learn how she overcame them.

If you find another article or video today or in the coming days that you find especially motivating, please leave a comment with the link so we can all read and be inspired.

It's a new month and a new season and a new chance to live your dream. I hope Diana will inspire you to do so.