It is a quick article I highly encourage you to read, but if you're short on time, here are some important points raised:
- Tests run by researchers at the University of Virginia proved that "coughing and sneezing generated little if any pressure in the nasal cavities. But nose blowing generated enormous pressure — 'equivalent to a person’s diastolic blood pressure reading' which propels mucus into the sinuses every time."
- It was unclear whether this was harmful, but during sickness it could shoot viruses or bacteria into the sinuses, and possibly cause further infection.
- So what do I do?! The proper method is to blow one nostril at a time and to take decongestants.This prevents a buildup of excess pressure.
- Bottom line: Blowing your nose can create a buildup of excess pressure in sinus cavities.
I hope all of my friends are staying healthy in this new year and new decade. Start the year off right by taking time to take care of yourself. Make sure you devote at least one hour a day to yourself, whether it be a walk, a training session with your favorite personal trainer ;), or quiet time to enjoy reading a good book. And don't forget about those appointments!
Make time for check-ups with your primary care physician once a year including blood work, as well as yearly appointments with your OB/GYN, urologist, or proctologist, eye doctor, and those twice yearly dentist appointments. Unexplained recurring pains? Time to get those checked out too! We both know they're not going to fix themselves and the longer you wait, the more work it will take to solve the problem.
Sound like a good idea? Good! Before you close out of this website, grab your Blackberry or your planner and write a note in it to remember to book your appointments ASAP!
Now I want to hear from you! What are your resolutions for the new year? Share your resolutions with the Body by Kelly community and let's encourage one another to start fresh and stick to our promises!